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Our responsible packaging

When it comes to packaging, think out of the box: Persil highly performing formulas come along with innovative and responsible packs. While prioritizing its functionality, we take great care in designing our packaging to allow you to safely use our products while reducing environmental footprint and waste.


For this, we carefully study our packaging solutions keeping in mind their entire life cycle: from the raw material selection, to their disposal and recycling. To provide you with sustainable packaging designs and drive progress towards a circular economy, Henkel is committed to:

  • Design solutions that are 100% recyclable or reusable by 2025. Today all Persil packs are already fully recyclable when correctly disposed
  • Cut virgin plastic from fossil sources by 50% in its consumer products by reducing plastic volumes, increase the usage of bio-based plastic or introducing recycled content in its packaging
  • Contribute to a target of ZERO plastic waste in the nature

Persil Liquid

Bottles of our detergents are always made of unmixed plastic and are fully recyclable, as certified by Institute Cyclos. When their content is used up, the empty bottles can be easily fed into the recycling process via e.g. the yellow bin. While some of our products already contain recycled plastic, we are continously working to improve the sustainable footprint across the whole range.

Persil Powder

Our folding boxes and carrier packages consist of at least 80% recovered paper. They can be emptied and returned to the waste paper collection to be recycled. We use virgin paper fibres only where absolutely necessary to ensure stability of the carton box and these virgin fibres come from sustainably managed sources. Persil Megaperls® film is 100% recyclable in the plastic cycle.

Persil Duo Caps and Persil Discs

As the water-soluble shell of our caps must be protected from moisture in the air, Persil Duo-Caps and Disc come in a box combining plastic and stabilizing cardboard. The packaging is 100% recyclable and saves 40% of plastic vs the previously available design, which consisted exclusively of plastic. As soon as the caps have been used up, the cardboard and the unmixed plastic of the box can be easily separated and fed separately into the recycling process (e.g the plastic can be placed in the plastic dedicated bin and the cardboard in the paper collection bin).

Keep caps from kids

Persil supports the international "Keep Caps from Kids” campaign launched by A.I.S.E, the International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products. The campaign is addressed to parents and people looking after young children and aims to avoid misuse of laundry detergent capsules.

The goal is to provide concrete advice on how to prevent kids from being hurt and how to use laundry capsules safely and store them out of the reach of children.

As kids safety is of utmost importance for us, all our closures are safe for children and a logo on pack easily demonstrates the correct product storage.

Making our world cleaner

  • Our certificates

    Henkel contributes to a sustainable footprint taking active part in the A.I.S.E. discussion, working towards a continous advancement of the industry together with the other participating soap and detergent manufacturers.

  • Microplastic

    Persil is relentlessly working to ensure that all its products do not cause any microplastic to enter the environment. Discover more about the important achievements reached so far and our future commitments.

  • Henkel Responsibility

    As a pioneer in sustainability, we continue to look for ways to grow our business in an increasingly sustainable way. We look at each part of our business from our ingredients to our packaging components to the way our products are delivered to customers.