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Our manufacturing journey

Sustainable and conscious value chain: A sharp increase in CO2 in the atmosphere is causing a warming up of the planet and is the main cause of climate change. Without turning away from our current economic strategy and lifestyle, the average temperature of the planet could rise by up to 5 degrees by the end of this century – with serious consequences for the planet and the living being populating it.


To address global warming and limit the temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius, as advised by scientists, the annual level of CO2 emission per person needs to be reduced worldwide from today 6.8 tons to roughly 2 tons.

As leading brand within Henkel portfolio, Persil constantly work in improving ist footprint impact across its value chain, effectively contributing to Henkel "Factor 3" strategy.

At a company level, Henkel focuses on the efficient use of its resources, reducing the energy consumption of its worldwide operations and preventing greenhouse gas emissions. Thanks to its commitment, it reduced energy consumption by 46% and cut the corresponding CO2 emissions by 42% in the decade between 2004 and 2014.

With the help of its new CO2 footprint calculator, Henkel also enables every consumer to make a personal contribution to climate protection. Discover more in the dedicated section below.

Factor 3

Energy and climate are integral parts of Henkel’s “Factor 3” strategy to become three times more efficient by 2030.

Discover your personal footprint

Take a few minutes to learn about how your personal choices influence your carbon footprint, by consulting the calculator specifically developed by Henkel and the Wuppertal Institute (Germany). By using this calculator, you can quickly discover your personal footprint and make a contribution to scientific research into sustainable lifestyles. All the data you will provide will be kept anonymous.

Becoming climate positive

Limiting CO2 and greenhouse gases emissions to fight climate change is one of the biggest challenges humankind has ever faced. Supporting the United Nations' Paris Agreement on climate change, Henkel pursue a long-term vision of becoming climate-positive by 2040.

Making our world cleaner